Monday, January 31, 2011

Miracle Match Half Marathon

Back in October Lee decided he wanted to lose some weight. My good friend, Molly, told him she was going to do a half marathon in January and he should join her. So he started training. Around Thanksgiving Lee talked our friend Michael into training for it too. So on Sunday the day finally arrived. All three of them were nervously excited and ready to run a VERY hilly 13.1 miles.
Lee and Michael starting the race.
Only my husband looks this happy after running almost 6 miles.
The finish was over the suspension bridge. It was so fun watching everyone cross that line!
Lee finishing...1 hour 40 minutes
The 3 finishers!! SO proud of them!
Lee's time earned him 10th overall and 1st in the 24-29 age division. Not bad for his first race!
My man with his 1st place trophy. Such a great moment!
For those of you that are wondering, Lee has lost a total of 50lbs since he started running in October. That's like Price and Hayes' weight combined. Incredible!


Joanna said...

Way to go Lee! And Molly!!

Scott and Lindsey said...

Congratulations to Lee!!! 50lbs!? That's amazing. What an awesome accomplishment. Keep at it!

Emily said...

I'm just amazed that he had 50 lbs. to lose... Congrats on the 1st place! Like he was meant to be a runner!

becky said...

Just fabulous!!! I am so proud of you, Lee. Molly and Michael did a great job, too! I hope you have stablized with your weight now-you look fabulous!!

Christine said...

That's awesome! I heard about all of them running the half marathon from Becca. I am training for my first one in April! That's so great that he got 1st!