Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Long Days

When I was pregnant with Hayes and we found out he was a boy I was excited because I know boys. I already had one, he had to be at least similar to Price, right? Wrong...so so wrong. I don't think these kids could have more different temperaments. The age Hayes is at is challenging. He is testing limits (which worries me since he is nowhere near 2), constantly doing things he knows he's not supposed to and then smiling at me as he does them, and throwing monster sized fits when he gets in trouble. He is also into everything, drawers, cabinets, closets, the pantry...(of course nothing that can hurt him because those are all baby proofed but he can make a HUGE mess). He doesn't have enough words to tell me exactly what he wants or what he needs so we both end up getting frustrated. While I love that he's tough, adventurous and his own person, he is wearing this Momma out. Since he's not quite at a time-our age I am kind of at a loss as to what to do when he is naughty. I am trying so hard to be consistent but honestly, how many times can I tell him no about the same thing before I pull my hair out?! I know this too shall pass but right now it's frustrating and I'm tired.


Kasey Joy said...

Sounds like a typical 2nd child!

Oh, and I love the pillow in that pic :)

Meg said...

i wish i had a suggestion!! he is just like my liam...exactly. WEARS ME OUT. i have even given liam little pops when he disobeys me and he LAUGHS AT ME. no help here...just know i commiserate with you ;).

Michelle said...

I have to keep repeating to myself: The days are long, but the years are short. The days are long, but the years are short.....

David and jill said...

Yep, yep, I hear you...except it's my 1st child. Someday their curiosity and determination will allow them to do great things! Hang in there, girl.