Saturday, March 05, 2011

While Mom and Dad are Away

The kids had such a great time staying with Memaw and Pepaw while we were in Hawaii. They were supposed to split time with my parents but my grandmother was unexpectedly take to the hospital. It happened on the day the Price and Hayes went to my parents house so they immediately went back to Memaw and Pepaws. We are so lucky to have so many people that want to care for our kids! Anyway, Pepaw took some pictures of the kids to send to us while we were away. It looks like they had lots of fun play time.
Please note Price in the background spraying the baseboards. I think Memaw and Pepaw found some cheap labor!

Thanks so much Memaw and Pepaw and Grandma and Grandpa for keeping Price and Hayes for us. They had so much fun!!


Joanna said...

I LOVE that first picture of Price with his hand on Hayes back, what great little buddies they are and will continue to be!

Becky said...

About that "working picture" Price and Hayes were both doing something they LOVED!!! They were so precious!! Tonight at the farm Price got in trouble and had to go to time out. Hayes got out of his little car went straight to his big brother to give him a hug. Such a precious picture of true brotherly love.

Anonymous said...

We feel so bad we did not get to keep the boys as long as we were suppose to. I also felt bad for Brian and Becky having to keep them sooo long. We appreciate them coming to our rescue that night at the emergency room. We love ya'll so much.