Wednesday, April 13, 2011

10 Years Already?

The first weekend in April we had our 10 year high school reunion. It really doesn't feel like 10 years have passed. We had a picnic at a local park on Saturday for lunch. It was fun to talk to old friends and see what everyone was up to. It was also neat to see everyones kids. Saturday night we got dressed up and went to the main event. It was a get together at the Hilton with food and drinks. Again, it was fun to see what people had been up to for the last 10 years. I thought it was interesting that the same groups that were together in high school were still together at the reunion. We had a good time though I can't say I'll be heading back for the 20 year one!

This is actually from our freshman year of college but it's close enough to high school! We were not dating at this time by the way.

10 years later...who knew we'd be married with 2 kids?!


619 Barnett Blvd. said...

Kristy you as a blond is sooooo cute!

becky said...

You and Lee are more beautiful 10 years later! You are a precious blessing to me!

~Shelly~ said...

We had a good time but wont be back either for the 20! I dont think its looking too good for anyone lol!
Cute pics!! Us & our high school sweethearts :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you and Lee did get married and had your two wonderful, precious little boys. Love all of you so much.
Love ya,