Monday, April 25, 2011

Egg Hunting with Friends

On Thursday night we had our annual Easter egg hunt out at Lee's parent's farm. It's such a fun time when the kids get to play and all the adults get to hang out and catch up. Plus, it's always fun to have the Dad's around. It's so fun to see how everyone has grown since we did this last year. (To read that post click HERE!) The kids had a blast as usual and everyone went home with way more candy than they needed.

L to R: Kayleigh, Price, Caleb, Aiden, Gianna, Mason, Selah and Hayes (Click the picture to make it larger)

Price and Caleb on the hunt
I was so surprised Hayes did so well this year. He "got" the concept and went right to picking up the eggs and filling his basket. He would pause every time one popped open though to see what was inside.

Love these two!

The kids loved having Michael (Mason's Dad) roll this hugs ball over them. (Not sure what G is doing...)

It really was a fun night and we are SO blessed to have such a great group of friends. Can't wait to get together again soon!

1 comment:

Emily said...

G is probably taste testing some half-eaten candy she found on the ground :o) And that's why we love her.