Monday, June 27, 2011

Ft. Worth Trip

On Thursday we loaded up and headed to Ft. Worth with my Mom and Grandma.  We went to see my cousin, Amy, and her daughters Addy and Ellis and my aunt Joanne.  Price LOVES Addy and Ellis and was so excited to get to spend several days with them.  Hayes spent the entire time trying to keep up with the big kids.  The kids had so much fun and Price even slept in the playroom with Addy and Ellis like a big boy.  We started Thursday night off at the Rain Forest Cafe.  I was a little worried that Hayes would be scared but they both loved the animals and had so much fun.
 Price doesn't quite trust the alligator behind him (click the picture to make it larger)

 Nana bought the kids all animals from build a bear.  Price got a frog, Hayes a giraffe.

 Hayes, Addy, Price and Ellis
Friday morning Amy and I took the kids to the Ft. Worth Zoo.  They were having a special dinosaur exhibit where the dinosaurs were set up like animals at the zoo.  Price is currently obsessed with dinosaurs so he was so happy!
Then we headed back to Amy's house for Hayes to nap and the big kids to play some more.  We came back home on Saturday all worn out!

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