Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Swim lessons Round 2

Price's 2nd set of swim lessons happened last week.  He went to Sandy Back's house and swam for 30 minutes for 5 days straight.  To say he loved it would be an understatement.  He was sick that week but asked to go everyday anyway.  He did amazing.  I would drop him off and come back to get him so when I went on Friday to watch him swim I was blown away.  He was actually swimming under the water.  He did such a great job and was so proud of himself.  He also got to bring home a little alligator toy that he had fallen in love with and named "Pickle Juice".  He was so excited to bring it home that he slept with it that night.  I don't know why the video at the bottom is so small but he's the one in the orange shirt.

1 comment:

David and jill said...

Wow, that's awesome! Way to go, Price!