Saturday, July 30, 2011

6 Years!

I cannot believe it has been 6 years since we walked down that aisle.  In some ways it feels like we have been married forever.  In others, it feels like it was just yesterday.  6 years ago I would have never guessed where we would be now.  It has been such a fun, loving and crazy adventure.  I really think we get closer and fall more in love with each other every year.  We have learned to depend on each other, lean on each other and think of each other first before anyone else.  It's been such a learning experience and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Lee truly is the perfect person for me.  There is no one else I want by my side every single day...forever.  I love you Lee and am so thankful for every part of who you are.


K.M. said...

Awwww congrats!

becky said...

makes me smile

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful couple you two are. Your both are so blessed.
Love you both,