Price takes great pride in the fact that he can fully dress himself these days. It's incredibly nice for me to only have one kid to dress in the mornings. The only problem with this is that some of the outfits are I usually don't have a problem letting him wear what he chooses but on days we have to go to church or MDO I like to have a say in what he wears. This particular day was an MDO day. He put on his frog shirt, plaid shorts, frog boots and completed the look with a Velcro neck tie. When I explained to him that he just couldn't wear that to MDO he was pretty upset. I told him I wanted to take a picture of him to send to Lee and he refused. I told him I was going to take it of the back of him since he was being difficult so he turned the tie around so it would show in the picture. Pretty funny kid. Sorry the picture is a little blurry, it was on my phone.
I think this is soooo funny!
Love his spirit! and Bless your heart! LOL Joanne
You're a good mommy to let him pick his own clothes...I don't know what I'm going to do when I don't have control of that anymore...especially with GIRLS!
Price cracks me up. He has so much imagination :) Love that kid to pieces!
Price is VERY creative. I love him!!
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