Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hayes Michael Louis

This kid sure does keep me on my toes.  He is incredibly strong willed, never listens to a word I say, has started hitting and even bit his friend Casen tonight.  He throws monster fits complete with feet stomping and throwing things.  He wants to do everything his way and in his own time.  He also loves his Mama more than anyone else in the world.  His smile and cheesy grin can make anyone laugh.  He loves the Fresh Beat Band and has started singing along.  He adores his brother and must know where he is at all times.  He has the best belly laugh in the whole world.  I love every single part of this kid and I am so glad he's mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is a stinker,but so precious and I love him so much. It would be very dull without him.
Love, Grandma Davis