Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st Day of Pre-K

Price started Preschool on Friday.  He's doing the 3 year old class this year since we are planning to hold him back with such a late summer birthday.  He only goes 2 days a week for 3 hours each time but he seems to really like it.  He's only been 2 days so far but he is excited to go so that's a good sign.  He has a very fun, creative teacher.  I'm excited for the new friends he is going to make and all the new stuff he's going to learn.  He has some of his old friends from MDO in his class but none of his playgroup friends.  We are looking forward to a fun year in Pre-K3!  This is the only picture we got from the 1st day.  We were expecting to drop him off like we are supposed to do everyday.  When we got there all of the moms were taking their kids in so we took him in but didn't have a camera.  Boo.  Also, check out his awesome backpack Grandma and Grandpa got him for an early birthday present.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is such a big boy. So glad he likes it and his book bag. Love that Pricer so much.
Grandma Davis