Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hayes at 21 Months

Again, sorry for the lack of blogging.  I have been feeling really bad this week and haven't done much but lay on the couch and occasionally take care of the kids.  I have also been trying to move information from my old and dying laptop to our new desktop so I've had a lack of pictures.  Anyway, that brings us to my baby boy being 21 months old.  I cannot believe he will be 2 in 3 months.  Here are some things about my boy now.
  • I don't know what he weighs but he his HEAVY.  Getting close to passing up Price.
  • He talks ALL THE TIME.  There is really nothing he can't say.  As I type this he is standing beside me yelling "I watch Yee-haw."  Which is his way of asking to watch Toy Story.
  • Speaking of Toy Story, he's obsessed with the Woody doll.  He carries it around all the time and he must know where the hat is at all times.
  • He and Price are playing together really well lately.  They have little spats but are usually happy with each other.
  • He is still facing backwards in his car seat.
  • He still loves milk and drinks several cups full a day. 
  • He loves to swim and whenever someone mentions the Y or a pool he runs to his room, collects his swim diaper and bathing suit and brings them to me to put on.
  • He is a great sleeper and goes down SO easy at night and for naps.  He sleeps from 9pm-7:15ish at night and takes about a 3 hour nap every day.
  • He still has a pretty good temper and will throw things when he doesn't get his way.  He has also become a really good time out sitter.
  • He does well at Sunday school and MDO but is more than happy to see me when I pick him up.
  • He gives sweet kisses with the pucker sound after each one.
  • He loves books and always asks for "one more" with his little finger in the air.
  • Still loves his paci and his puppy at night.
Overall he has gotten SO much easier these past few months.  I think being able to communicate has helped tons.  He is a very sweet, opinionated little boy.  I think he will have no problems being a "middle child" because he refuses to be overlooked for anything.  We love this little boy so much and are just so happy he is part of our family.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I completely understand the obsession with Woody and his hat! We finally superglued it on Woody's head. No searching now!