Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Price at 4 Years Old

I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's been 4 years since Price was born. In so many ways it feels like he has always been apart of our lives. Often times I'll look at him and see the tiny baby we just brought home from the hospital and don't know what we are supposed to do with. Either way, 4 years have past and they have been the best, most endearing, loving, frustrating, learning, happy years of my life. So here are some things about my sweet, spirited boy at 4 years old. 

Height: 37 inches
Weight: 29.5lbs
Clothes: shorts 24 month, shirts 3T
He is about the easiest going kid you will meet. Tantrums are rare and he is usually willing to do whatever I ask.
He gives LOTS of free hugs and kisses. I know this will end as he gets older so I'm soaking it up now.
He can write his name. (Though its like pulling teeth to get him to do it.)
He is into all things super hero right now. It's hard for me to get him out of his Batman or Superman t-shirts and pajamas.
He plays by himself with a HUGE imagination all the time.
He loves his little brother and is always trying to find "fun" ways to get him to do things he's not supposed to. (like jumping off the couch, stealing paci's out of his bed, etc.)
He still takes a nap most days and sleeps from 9-7:15ish at night.
He loves bugs and catches any he sees around the house.
He can fully dress himself in the mornings and brush his teeth. (This is so nice for Mommy!)
He loves pajamas and usually changes into them first thing when we get home. He has also tried (unsuccessfully) to wear them on errands or to friends houses.
He loves hide and seek and has recently gotten better about choosing different and more difficult spots to hide in.
He is only interested in the new baby if it is a girl. If its a boy it has to go live at Memaw and Pepaw's house and cannot live with us according to him.

That's pretty much Price in a nutshell. He is still such a talker and you never know what he will say. He usually counters anything I ask him to do with his "idea" of what he should be doing. Cracks me up every time. We love this kid so much and I can't wait to watch him take on the role of biggest brother when the baby is born in the spring.

1 comment:

David and jill said...

Awww, what a great little guy. LOVE the dinosaur/super-hero party!