Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Week

Warning!  This post contains the ugly side of motherhood with words like poop, diarrhea and puss!  Enjoy!

This has been one of the most trying weeks I have experienced as a parent.  I am mentally and physically exhausted and pretty much have a tension headache all the time.  Our week started Monday morning about 6:30AM when Price called me in his room saying his stomach hurt.  He quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up.  (This came after he had already had diarrhea for a week.)  I decided to make him a doctors appointment since it had all gone on for so long.  He threw up again a little later in the morning and continued with the diarrhea.  With all of this going on the doctor decided he needed a stool sample.  Great!  Fun!  I can hardly wait to collect that from my 4 year old.  He threw up again at nap time and finally started to seem a little better when he woke up.  Tuesday we spent the day around the house while Hayes was at MDO, waiting on Price to poop.  Of course he didn't.  Not the entire day even though we stayed home.  It was my Mom's birthday so we ended up going to her house for dinner.  Since he was feeling better I was a terrible mom and let him eat whatever he wanted to.  Of course that backfired when he threw up all over his bed and I got to change all the bedding and wash it for a 2nd time.  Woo-hoo!  Oh and we were finally able to collect that sample right before he went to bed.  (So I got to keep poop in my refrigerator overnight.  Yay!)  Wednesday was a new day and Price seemed totally fine.  He didn't throw up or have diarrhea all day long and his stools even seemed to be returning to normal.  That brings us to today...Thursday...

After a restless nights sleep, Hayes woke up a little grumpy but he's getting his 2 year molars so I gave him some Tylenol and sent him on his way to MDO.  As Price and I were about to head out to lunch with Molly the school called and said Hayes was telling them "I sick" and was running a 100 degree temp.  Awesome.  So Memaw took Price and I ran to get Hayes.  He came home and was really fussy and still had fever.  I noticed on his left ring finger there was a small white bump that was bright red around the edges.  He would scream any time I touched it or something came near it.  I decided to email the doctor about it.  As the hours rolled by it was evident that he felt more and more terrible.  I called the doctor and they were able to get us a late afternoon appointment.  Hayes took a very restless nap and when he woke up the bump was 3 times larger and bulging out.  Hayes was inconsolable so off to the doctor we went.  After having to pin him down to get him on the scale and let the doctor look in his ears, it was evident that the finger was the problem.  About a week ago he got his finger slammed in a door.  It has looked fine ever since but he seemed to wince when it was touched.  Turns out it was getting infected on the inside.  Dr. Graham decided it needed to be lanced to drain the puss that was building up rapidly.  I left the room while my mom stayed with him and they cut it open.  He was such a trooper and was immediately a new kid when it was done.  All evening he has been acting like he feels so much better.  They put him on an antibiotic (that he refuses to take) so he should start healing.  Finally about an hour ago I thought we were all on the mend.  It's been a very stressful week and I'm worn out.  Then Price calls me into the bathroom where his diarrhea has returned....guess we'll see what that sample turns up!  Thanks for reading if you are still here.  Pray for us!!  Hoping next week is way better!


Kelly said...

Ok...praying for you (not sure what else to say). What a week. Hoping Lee comes home really quickly!!!
Kelly McCarver

Mama Bear said...

Oh girl - I know those scenarios all too well. There will be a day you look back and think "hmmm, that wasn't really so bad" but when you're right in the middle of it and pregnant to boot - it's absolutely horrible.

Anonymous said...

What a trying week for all of you. Glad everyone is feeling better. Hayes was a trooper. I felt so bad for him. His finger really looked horrible. Glad Dr. Graham could see him. He is playing good right and now and is so happy. Price is doing good also, only 1 complaint that his stomach and that was yesterday. Kristy you are such a wonderful mom. You have done fantastic this last week.
Love you,
