Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Swimming Lessons

The last week in May Price and Hayes took swimming lessons.  Price did great from the very beginning.  He loved being back and especially having Maddie help him in the water.  This is the 3rd year she's been his helper.  Hayes wasn't too sure about going under water or about Mom not being there so Lee and I took turns going and working with him in the water.   Price was like a little fish and by the end of the week he could swim to the bottom and get rings and swim from one side of the pool to the other.  I was so proud of him!  Hayes made big improvements too and could go all the way under by the end of the week without fussing.  It makes me feel so good to know they are learning to love water and to be safe in it.
 This picture cracks me up.  Every time he would go under his suit would fill with air and 'pow!' would pop up!

 Hayes going under

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