Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tri Waco

 This morning Lee competed in his first triathlon.  He did the sprint triathlon since it was his first one, its a little shorter than the Olympic one.He swam 400 meters in the Brazos river, biked 13 miles and ran 3.4 miles.  Price, Hayes and I went downtown to see him cross the finish line.  We are so proud of him!!  What an accomplishment.  He finished in about 1hour and 18 minutes.  (Official time hasn't been released.)  
These are some of the swimmers (not a great picture)
The finish line was just over the suspension bridge.  We all clapped and yelled for him as he crossed!
 So proud of our finisher!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of him. He is quite a guy.