Yesterday was Price's first day of Pre-k 4. He will be 5 next week and could have started Kindergarten but I don't think either of us were ready for that. This way, instead of being the youngest in his class, he will be one of the oldest. We have been told many times by educators and other parents who have held their children back that this is the best decision we could make. I think, for Price, it was the right choice. While he is very smart and outgoing, he is about half the size of the kids in his class (and some are almost a year younger) and he doesn't just love school. I'm hoping a little more preschool will help him like it more. So all that to say, he started in his new class yesterday. He said he had a great time. He knows most of the boys in his class and one of the girls. I think he's in for another great year. I let him choose his outfit for the day and he chose his school shirt from last year. At least he has school spirit, right?!
He doesn't look thrilled in the picture below. In all fairness, I didn't give him time to get ready for the picture, I just snapped it fast so he could go on about his day.
As you know I was always the youngest in our class. I always had to play softball with the girls in the class below us. Was even mistaken in high school for being class of 2002 MOST of the time BY ADMIN. It was a bit rough but I made it. It's probably a good decision on y'alls part! Hope he enjoys the year :D Cant believe our babies are FIVE almost!! Crazy :(
So glad he had a great day. Love that boy.
Grandma Davis
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