Brighton turned 6 months old last week but I wanted to wait until we went to her appointment so I could post her stats. It's amazing to me that half a year has passed since she came into this world. My heart is so full and I am so grateful! It's been the fastest 6 months of my life. Here is what my girl is up to at 6 months:
- Height: 26.5 inches
- Weight: 14.4 lbs
- Diapers: size 2
- Clothes: 6 month and 6-9 month
- She is loving rice cereal and we have tried several fruits and veggies now. She seems to favor the veggies which surprised me. She loves sweet potatoes most, just like her brothers did.
- She is sitting well with support. She can sit for a minute or two unsupported before falling over.
- Still nursing great but we are starting to wean her this week.
- She's severely teething and chewing on everything.
- She loves to play with her feet and roll over.
- She sleeps on her tummy now that she is constantly rolling.
- She loves to play in her bouncer or exersaucer.
- She coos and shrieks when she's happy.
- She's not sleeping very well, usually up 2-3 times a night. :(
- She still takes a cat nap in the morning (about 15 minutes) then a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.
- She loves to be in the room with Price and Hayes when they play.
- She has started to get really upset when I leave the room or am out of her line of site.
- She LOVES to be outside and I can usually swing her or just sit outside with her if she's fussy.
- When her teeth aren't hurting her, she's the happiest baby on earth!
1 comment:
So in love with this little girl! Miss you guys.
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