Cousin Karlie was here for our photoshoot and helped us make B smile. Such a great big cousin!
On Friday (and my 30th birthday!) Brighton turned 7 months old. I can't believe we are on the down slope to 1 year. Time definitely goes faster with the 3rd baby. She still continues to be just the sweetest baby. She's so laid back and easy going and very rarely fusses. Here are somethings B is up to at 7 months:
- Clothes: 6-9 month
- Diapers: size 3
- Teeth: still 0
- She is completely weaned. She does great with her bottles and eats a lot!
- She can sit up all by herself. She still falls over occasionally but she does great in her high chair and in grocery carts. She loves to sit up and play with her toys or watch her brothers.
- She is finding her voice and loves to squeal and shriek until she gets your attention. Then she just smiles at you!
- She gets up on all fours and is rocking back and forth. She has also started to really reach for things from that position. I'm sure crawling won't be far behind.
- She still wakes up at least once a night. We are so bad about just feeding her so she will go back to sleep. I know we need to sleep train her but neither of us seems in any hurry to do that!
- Her newest trick is pulling bows or headbands off her head and chewing on them. It's almost as if she doesn't understand the cute factor. :)
- She still loves to be held and cuddled and is happiest when we do those things. She will also sit and play contentedly in her bouncer or exersaucer.
- She is babbling some. She most consenant sounds like ba and da.
1 comment:
Im so glad we are not the only ones at this age with 0 teeth! It really is flying by! Soon we will be missing our sweet innocent little infants :(
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