Every year we take the kids to the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo. They always have so much fun and this year was no different. We went twice, once with my mom and once with Lee's parents. Sadly, I only remembered my camera when we were with my mom. The kids were actually tall enough to ride a few rides this year so they had fun. The ferris wheel was a favorite and they rode it twice. Hayes actually rode a little train ride all by himself. I'm amazed at his bravery, Price would have never gone alone. After playing a few games on the midway and visiting the petting zoo, we headed into the rodeo. My mom, Brighton and I quickly left though because it was way too loud for her in there. We walked around some while the boys enjoyed the rodeo. They loved it and were excited to go back with Lee's parents. We had a great time and are already excited to go back next year.
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