Thursday, September 08, 2005

New Obsession

Okay, time to make a post about the latest obsession. Michelle, Molly, and I are all totally and completely obsessed with Sex and the City on DVD. I am getting the discs through Netflix so we sometimes have to wait for new episodes to arrive. I'm not going to lie, those days are rough! We will sit for hours at a time and watch entire discs/seasons. I am sad to say, however, that we are coming to the end of season six, the final season of our beloved show. Whatever will we do without hours and hours of Carrie, Big, Miranda, Steve, Samantha and Charlotte. I must say that I am incredibly saddened by the closing of this era! It has me obsessed with shoes that are way too expensive and trying drinks that I know I'm not going to like. It also gives me the sudden urge to become a New York woman! When you watch as much of this show as we do, you tend to become the characters. We have all started picking out/wearing higher heals or trying to look like Carrie. It's a bad bad obsession and I don't know what we are going to do without it! The writing is brilliant and the characters are intriging. Granted, there are so scenes that tend to get pretty racy but once you get past those to the true story line it is one amazing show. I highly encourage you to check it out if you have not already, otherwise, go back and watch some of your old favorite episodes. It truly is my new favorite show.

Woo-hoo: I have reached 100 visits on my blog!
Boo: It is still not Friday!


Kasey Joy said...

Girl, I totally feel ya on this one! Em, Lainey and I went through all the episodes towards the end of our last semester (last fall). It was totally addicting. And you're right, once you get past the racy scenes, it's a pretty good show. Oh, and isn't it amazing the way they make the f word seems like a normal word!! haha! Oh yeah, nice picture!

Elaine said...

Awwww, I'm having flashbacks to my last semester!! It IS a great show!!! I miss them.