Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Off to a bad start...

Okay, it's only 8:30am and I'm already off to a bad start. If the rest of the day turns out like the beginning of the day I'm in serious trouble. It all started when I woke up sweaty. The air conditioner was on but man I was hot for some reason. Then I went into the living room to find that Macie had gone to the bathroom in the entry hall, striped room (I have no idea how she got in there) and the living room by the door. Now she has had an upset tummy but I mean c'mon. I wake up just in time to get ready and get out the door. I don't have time to be picking up dog messes. So anyway, I finally got that cleaned up and started getting ready. Though by this time I only had time to straighten the top part of my hair (so it appears to be straight). Now the under part is all frizzy. Not a pretty site. Then as I am brushing my teeth, Macie catches a gecko. So I had to chase her down and get it out of her mouth. The tail had fallen off and was still wiggling on the floor. SICK. Then I'm getting dressed and the pants I put on are too tight making me feel worse about myself. So anyway, I finally get ready to leave. And I remember that I am supposed to bring the 1st season of Gilmore Girls for a friend at work to borrow. So I go get it and carry it around. In the mean time I notice that Macie is almost out of water. I set the Gilmore Girls on the kitchen table. I fill up her bowl. As I'm putting it back on the floor I spill it everywhere. Cussing, I go to get a paper towel and the only one left on the roll is that tiny, 6 inch piece of a paper towel. I sopped up what I could and figured the rest would dry. I threw away the soaked paper towel and picked up Gilmore Girls, being so good to remember it in all the chaos. As I am walking out the door I remember that the clothes I put in the washer yesterday are still in there. So I had to stop and put them in the dryer before they mildew. I sat the Gilmore Girls down on the dryer, put all the clothes in there and start it. Then I realize that I have nothing to eat for lunch or breakfast. So I go back into the kitchen and grab something quick. I finally pulled myself together and got out the door and in my car. On my way to work I notice that I forgot to take my acid reflux pill so that should make for a fun-filled day. I finally get to work in one piece. And don't worry that Gilmore Girls is still on the dryer. I'll have to try again tomorrow.

Woo-hoo: To Gilmore Girls and The Biggest Loser premiers making this a much better day!
Boo: The last couple of unsettling days.


Kasey Joy said...

I'm sad for your bad day!! Mornings like that are no fun at all!! To add friends on your side bar all you do is go under template and scroll down through all the computer lingo to almost the end and it says "MainOrArchivePage". Under that it says "sidebar title" and you can change whatever you want it to say after that, I chose to call it "Other Bloggers". Then below that is where you insert the links to the other people's blogs. Be sure to copy the entire link or it won't work. I'm surprised you didn't know how to do it, it should be the same process you used to put Jen's blog, Lee's business, etc. Let me know if this doesn't work! Also, while we're swapping info, I was wondering how you got your pic on your page! I want a pic! Thanks, hope all is going well!

Jennifer Roush said...

Cheese it'll get better!!! Just remember you get to come see me this weekend!!! Yea for shopping! I hope you have a better day! UMMM here's a mental image for you... Michelle walking into the door the other day! Love ya!