Monday, October 03, 2005

The Cold That Won't Die

So I have a cold. I've had it for a week now. It WILL NOT go away. It hasn't even subsided a little. In fact, I think it may have gotten worse. I was up all night last night coughing my head off and blowing my nose. Now I gave this lovely cold to Lee but he seems to have gotten over it by now. Doesn't seem fair that he got it after me and got well before me. So anyway, I have given in to modern medicine and will be going to the doctor this morning. I already know that he is going to tell me it is a viral infection and there is nothing he can do. I mean c'mon...the least he can do is tell me to stay home from work for a day or two! Anyway, this weekend was pretty uneventful. Lee and I went to a wedding reception on Friday night in Austin. It was really pretty and we got to see Blake Rodman. It is always good to catch up with old friends that have moved far away. On Saturday I slept in, went and did some birthday shopping with my mom, and then went to Ronny's 30th birthday party! Then I came home and tried to get rid of my cold by taking a shot of whiskey. It helped for about 30 minutes. It made me feel like I was breathing fire! Sunday was pretty uneventful. I went to church and then laid around the entire rest of the day hoping to start feeling better. I did get to start watching the 4th season of Gilmore Girls on DVD. So that was great! Then Michelle fixed dinner and we all ate a fun Sunday night meal. All in all it was a fun, relaxing weekend.

Woo-hoo: to having Fiesta Mac for dinner in honor of Jen
Boo: Jen wasn't there to share in the fun

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