Monday, October 17, 2005


Well, inspired by Kasey and Elaine I figure I should probably confess too. While I often think about writing everyday I feel that my most of my thoughts are not worthy of blog status. I, like Elaine, am a continual blog checker. I check every few hours or so to see if anyone has posted a new blog. I even check Michelle's constantly and she hasn't updated in like a month. It is a sad blog-obsessed person that I have become. I am glad to get that off my chest and now I don't feel alone because others have confessed too. And while we are on the subject I feel that I cannot complete this confession without also confessing my facebook addiction. That's right, I spend hours going from one person to another marveling at how wonderful this contraption is. It is because of facebook and blogging that my work days are filled. So now I feel much better. You know my dirty little secrets and I don't feel bad about them one tiny little bit! Now doesn't that make you want to confess a little too??

Woo-hoo: I went to the state fair this weekend (pictures will be posted soon)
Boo: Today I have a severe case of the Mondays.

1 comment:

Jennifer Roush said...

I check Michelle's too and nothing. It's a sad feeling!