Thursday, October 27, 2005

How IM makes me happy

So I'm really excited because Jen finally put AIM on her computer at work. She used to have it at her old job and it kept us in constant communication throughout the day. When she started her new job she did not want to get fired so she didn't put it on there. She has finally given in to peer pressure and done it! So now we get to talk throughout the day again and I know what she's doing and she knows what I'm doing and its great. Although she is not on today so I am a little sad about that. Have no fear though, Glenn is on and we have had some good conversations. Now I have been trying to convince Molly to put it on her computer at work but she is too chicken. Even though she told me some guy in her office watches movies on his portable DVD player when he's done with his work. Pretty sure her boss wouldn't mind a few IM conversations now and then. But oh well, I'll keep working on her. IM helps me get through the day and makes it go a lot faster. If you have instant messenger and would like to talk during the day please feel free to IM me at Spunkyfish.

Anyway, Lee and I cleaned the entire house last night in preparation for our Homecoming guests. I am so excited that so many of my friends will be back in town. I can't wait to hang out. It should be a great weekend. I just wish today was Friday. Tonight I am going to hear Kasey speak to a bunch of FCS majors. I can't wait to see her actually standing in front of the class instead of sitting in it. Should be fun times!

P.S. I decided I would like to post a picture of Macie in her "Diva Dog" shirt.

Woo-hoo: Free Panda Express for lunch today!
Boo: Bob deleted a HUGE file on his computer and today it is my job to see if i can get it back.

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