Tuesday, October 11, 2005

#@%* Wax

So today I was asked to "dress comfortably" when I came to work. This can only mean one thing: manual labor. This is not good. I am used to sitting around my desk during the day. Not working my fingers to the bone. So when I get here today Bob asks me to please clean out the closet on the 3rd floor and to get all the wax out of the carpet also. There is a lot of wax on the carpet in some of the rooms because people use candles as part of their discipleship groups. Now why they can't use candles and not spill wax all over the place is beyond me. Anyway, those were my tasks for the morning. I went home and got my iron and an old towel to get up the wax. Then I went to the third floor. I decided to start with the closet because it was the lesser of the two evils. It only took me about thirty minutes to get it all cleaned up. I hung up all the clothes, put up boxes of candles and threw out old stuff. While putting away a large cooler with drinks in it, I managed to smash my finger. I thought for a second that it was broken. No worries though, after a few minutes I could move it again. And I carried on with my cleaning. I was quite proud of the way it all looked when I was finished. You can actually move around in it now. Then it was on to the wax. I had been told that if you hold a hot iron over a towel covering the wax that it would melt up into the towel. So this is what I did. What I was not told was that it takes about 10 minutes a spot to get the wax up. It also requires you to push down on the iron as hard as you can. Don't worry that I was getting wax off the carpet in 3 different rooms for 2 1/2 hours. By the time I was done, my arms hurt from pressing down on the iron. I am supposed to be a secretary, not a carpet cleaner. Needless to say, this is not my idea of a good time. I got all the wax up but I have strongly recommended that they do not use candles in discipleship groups anymore. All of this has left me in a pretty foul mood. I think I will have something fatty for lunch to make myself feel better. I'm thinking maybe Bush's!

Woo-hoo: My dad is in town for a few days!
Boo: My finger is still throbbing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw....kristy. i'm sorry you had to do all that grunt work today. but at least you weren't bored, right? love you.