Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekend Fun

This weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night we (Lee, Michelle, Molly, Steven, and Sean) all went out to eat. We started at the Baris that is in Hewitt. We had horrible service. I guess I can't say that, the truth is, we had NO service at all. We waited about 10 minutes for them to just clean off a table for us (after waiting about 20 minutes for the table in the first place). Ridiculous! Then once we finally sat down we were there for another 10 minutes and NO ONE came to wait on us. NO one took a drink order, we never so much as saw who was supposed to be waiting on us. So we finally just got up and left. I don't usually do things like that but c'mon. Service is key. Anyway, so we headed to the mall for some dinner. After we ate the mall was having a beauty pageant for kids of all ages. We saw some cute little boys and girls all dressed up. It was funny. Then we all decided to go bowling. I think everyone ended up having a great time. We went through almost 3 pitchers of beer between the 6 of us. And if I've learned anything its that beer makes you bowl better. On our 2nd game Lee bowled a 223. It was amazing. He just kept getting strikes. I bowled a 170 and that's pretty high for me too! Since we went on a Friday night all the black lights were on so that made it fun. It felt like we were back in college again. After our time limit was up we all went home. It was a great night.

Saturday Lee and I went to Ft. Worth for my little cousin Addy's Birthday party. She's 3 years old! That's hard for me to believe. Anyway, we took her a princess moonwalk because she was having Disney princess themed party. It was fun. There were a LOT of little kids and their parents. Made me realize it will probably be a while before we have a child. Too much work! After the party we went to Kyle and Marci's and watched the Lady Bears get the snot kicked out of them. They played terrible. After that we went home and went to bed. We woke up around 2am to Macie having explosive diarrhea. It was disgusting. We got it all cleaned up and finally went back to bed.

Sunday we went to church and Sunday School. We learned that our attention spans just aren't what they used to be. It was seriously hard to pay attention by the end. After church we ate lunch with Molly. Then my parents, Kyle and Marci and me and Molly headed to the zoo. My parents and Kyle and Marci had never been before. It was a great day for the zoo. There were a ton of people there and almost all the animals were out. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Our little zoo is small but its come a long way! If you haven't been I suggest you stop by. So that was my weekend. Hope I didn't bore you too much. It was fun and I didn't know what else to write about. So enjoy!

Woo-hoo: I started reading the book "Wicked". I've seen the play but can't wait to read the book.
Boo: The shirt I'm wearing today must have been dried at some point because its a tad bit too small.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

oh, bowling! remember when we were little freshmen taking bowling? it's so funny to think about's when I met you and Molly!! You'll have to tell me how the book WIcked compares to the musical...I read the book but haven't see the musical yet ( :