Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Very Sad Ending

I am terribly saddened by the news of naturalist Steve Irwin's death. Many of you probably don't know this but I am and always was a huge fan of his. I've watched him for many years and own several of his tapes and even his board game. He seemed like such a good man. Remembered by many for his enthusiasm and love for the most unlovely animals. Many people probably don't know that he was extremely passionate about his family as well. He even brought his camera crew with him to film the births of both of his children. He was a very proud father. He leaves behind a little girl named Bindi, age 8 and a little boy, Bob, only 2 years old. It's just such a tragedy. It's so hard to understand why God would take someone who was only doing good. It's certainly not fair. I just thought I should mention my love and support for this family as sort of a mini tribute to his life. As someone on the news said, he lived 10 lifetimes in his 44 years on earth. I hope we all find something in our own lives to be as passionate about. My heart truly goes out to his family and friends. He gave a voice to those creatures that could not speak for themselves.

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