Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's all coming together

Everything for the baby's room is finally starting to come together. We have decided to go with a jungle theme. Lee's mom and dad were kind enough to buy the bedding we picked out. I am so anxious to get it here but it's not supposed to ship until next week! It is so cute and I can't wait to see it all together. We also met with the lady that is going to paint the nursery yesterday. This lady has the most amazing talent I have ever seen. She is currently painting the childrens wing of Providence hospital. She's doing the Wizard of Oz down both sides of the hallway and it really makes you feel like you are in the movie. She free-hand draws everything. I cannot wait for her to start on the nursery. She should be able to start at the end of May or early June. We are going to have her paint trees, vines, monkeys, giraffes, etc on the walls around the room. (That is if it falls within our budget) I am just so happy that it is all coming together. It makes it all so real that there is going to be a little person in there in a couple of months. Speaking of Price...he has started kicking me hard! Lee finally got to feel the tiny thud the other day. It was so cool for him to get to know what I feel all the time. Price is an active little guy. He moves around A LOT. Mostly when I am trying to lay down and relax! I just love to feel the little thuds and movements. We finally set a date for the official sonogram. It is May 22nd. The doctor will do it herself and measure the baby and make sure he looks healthy and everything is good. She will also tell us the gender! This is funny because she doesn't know that we already know its a boy. I will be beside myself if she tells us its a girl! So we will see what happens. Oh, we also put the Mustang up for sale this week. It will be sad to see it go but I know I cant do a carseat in that tiny backseat. Hopefully it sales fast. Anyway, that's what is going on in babyland. I really cant believe I am over half way done! It's going by so fast!


Kasey Joy said...

precious precious precious!!! love the jungle theme, love the name Price!!! fun times. i think you should rename your blog, because your life is no longer boring!!! also, i read your comment on elaine's blog about V-teks...that makes me veeeeerrry happy!!! you have to let us know if they reinstitute the gut pack, and if its as good!! thanks for the update, i love keeping up with the pregnancy!

Jennifer Roush said...

I just realized something... I'm no longer a link on your blog. This fact saddens me, even though I know I deserve it. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to start blogging (even though I have absolutley not to blog about), just so I can gain "link" status again with you. I feel like such a failure :(
Your horrible non posting friend,

Elaine said...

YAY for a new name on the blog. I think its fitting. And I love the bedding and can't wait to see how his room turns out. Price is one lucky kid. I am seriously going to crochet him some Baylor booties after exams...

And Jenn, if you read this, I think you've got to have things to blog about...like fixing up your first house and explaining the glamour shots pics on facebook...