Monday, April 09, 2007

It's a boy!

Lee and I went to Ft. Worth today for a sonogram. Our doctor wanted to wait until 24 weeks to do the sonogram to determine the gender. We found a clinic that specializes in sonograms so we decided to go there and find out early! We are having a boy. He will be named Price Edward Cleveland Boyd. It's a lot of names, I know. Price was my grandfathers name and one of the greatest people I have ever known. Edward is both of Lee's grandfathers names. Cleveland was my other grandfathers middle name. So we threw a whole bunch of family tradition in his name. We know he sounds like a law firm! We are pretty excited. From the moment the lady put the thing on my stomach she knew it was a boy. There is no doubt! He was very active during the sonogram and had the hiccups. He played with his feet, sucked his thumb and even gave us a huge yawn. We got to take home a dvd of the session. (Click on the pictures to make them bigger so you can see them better.) It was so much fun, we couldn't believe how much he can do already! He's only about 9 inches long! Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

oh yay!! congratulations! can't wait to meet little Price.