Friday, August 24, 2007

Doctor's update

Well we went back to the doctor today. We didn't see my usual doctor because she is still out of town. I saw Dr. Murff and he was really nice. He is quite old but he will get the job done if need be. He said that I am at a good three cent. dilated and 80% effaced. That's not just a whole lot of progress since last week. So I was a little disappointed. He did say that he does not think I will have a really long labor though so that was really good to hear. He said as soon as I start feeling contractions I should probably go to the hospital. So I guess we will just see what happens. He said the baby could come at any time or it could be next week. So I guess we are looking at quite a window there. I am really starting to hurt from all the pressure so I'm ready for him to be here at any time. Lee and I go to bed every night thinking this will be the night and are a little disappointed when we wake up and nothing happened! So those of you that pray, pray for contractions to start soon. We are so ready to meet our precious baby Price! I'll try to make sure someone posts on here for me when I have him. I would hate to deprive the blogger world!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Oooo I'm so excited for y'all. Can't wait to see updates and see pictures soon!