Sunday, August 26, 2007


Today is one of those days where I just feel miserable. It literally feels like I am going to be pregnant for the rest of my life! I know I'm not to my due date yet but those of you that have been here know what I mean. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. There are feet and a little rear end in my ribs and my belly just hurts all over from all the pressure. I am so ready to meet this little baby and so tired of carrying him around inside of me. I have had one of those days where I don't want to do anything but just feel sorry for myself. Lee is tired of listening to me complain so I thought I would complain on here! Anyway, we go back to the doctor on Wednesday. If the baby hasn't come by then I plan on asking her to help us get the ball rolling. So anyway, as you can tell we covet your prayers to get this little one here safely and soon.

Woo-hoo: Lee is making a delicious dinner.
Boo: To the obvious.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you are miserable Kristy. Just remember the end IS near, no matter how ou may feel. Good luck and just think you are now down to only DAYS.... The weeks and months are over with.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel!! My baby was born at 8lbs 12 ounces - I was HUGE and miserable!!! It will be so worth it when that baby comes out though :). Good luck and enjoy the quiet and sleep now :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristy. It's Lee. I just wanted you to know that i love you so much and you are the most amazing person in the world. You are going though so much, and i thank you for your strenght and wonderfulness that you give to us. You are going to be the best mom ever and i can't wait to watch you in action. He will be out so soon and we can hold him, and love him, and squezz him all over. SO close... YOU CAN DOOO IT!!!!!!!!!!