Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We have a date!

I cannot remember the last time I posted this much in one week. Can you tell I'm bored? Anyway, we went to the doctor this morning. She was VERY surprised to see us, she figured we would have had the baby by now. Since we obviously have not she decided it was best to go ahead and induce. So we will have baby Price sometime on Friday. We have to go into the hospital at 5:30am and there is no telling how long it will take. We are excited and nervous all at the same time. I am a little disappointed because I really wanted to go into labor on my own. But for whatever reason Mr. Price doesn't want to come out! So anyway, there is still a chance he could surprise us between now and then. So I guess we'll just see. Please keep us in your prayers and next time I post I will be a new mommy!

Woo-hoo: To our last times as a family of two (plus Macie)
Boo: To all the time I have to fill between now and then!


Joni said...

WOW, KRISTY!!!! That is so exciting! I will definitely be praying for you on Friday! 5:30am your time is 1:30pm my time, so I may be the only person in the world AWAKE to be praying for you then! :) Keep us updated!!!! :) :) :)

Michelle said...

I seriously can't wait. Neither can Kayleigh Bear.

Joni said...

Where are you???? How did everything go? Is baby Price here?! How about some pictures?!?!! Update us when you can, or even just send an email!!!!! Can't wait to hear from you!!!!!!