Monday, September 10, 2007

Getting bigger

Price is growing everyday. He is starting to really fit into his newborn diapers and outfits already. It is amazing how much difference a week makes! He is a really good baby and only cries when he needs something. He is even allowing Lee and me to get a decent amount of sleep at night. We took him on his first outing on Saturday. We went with Grandma and Grandpa to Kohls and Old Navy. He did really well. He was awake the entire time in Kohls and did not make a sound. He pretty much slept through Old Navy. It's funny how your perspective changes when you have a baby. Lee said all he could see on people were germs! You don't want anyone to come near your baby! It's funny. I was proud of Price though, he did really well with his first trip into the world. Enjoy some more pictures of our little munchkin!

Macie was really trying to get Price to play with her toy. Too cute!


Michelle said...

silly MAcie!

Andy said...

It looks like Lee is balancing Price on his forehead in that last picture.