Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another first...

Today Price went to the church nursery for the first time. We decided to go back to Sunday school for the first time since we had him. He did great! He slept most of the time and when he woke up the nursery worked rocked him for a while. He was asleep when we got back to pick him up. In the hallway before we dropped him off he got to meet lots of Memaw and Pepaw's friends from their Sunday school class. He is such a good baby and seems to do well around crowds. I also helped hostess a baby shower for Marci today. It was lots of fun and we got to see a lot of family members. Price and Daddy visited at the end of the shower. He smiled and laughed for everyone while Aunt Marci held him. I think he had fun meeting all the new people.
This was his big boy outfit for his first day at Sunday School!


Anonymous said...

What a big boy, going to church and to the nursery. He is sooo precious!!
Lots of love,
Gma Davis

Anonymous said...

My little boy is sure growing fast. I need to come see him soon.
I love the smiley pictures. Thanks for keep your blog updated. I love it. Aunt LaJuan

Anonymous said...

We were so excited to see Price at church yesterday. Lots of our friends got to see him and they all thought he was so cute! I love your blog, Kristy.
Love, Becky