Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just Chillin

Price loves his baths. We finally got out his robe that we got as a shower gift. He's sooo cute in it! When we give him a bath now he just kicks and splashes. He has the best time. It is so much fun. Lee is usually the bath giver and I can hear both he and Price in there laughing! It is too cute! Price's personality is really starting to come out. He's so much more animated and excited than he used to be. It is so much fun and getting more fun every day! Kyle Update: Kyle had the biopsy done yesterday. While they were in there they took 45, yes 45 different biopsies. This way, hopefully, they won't have to go back in. They are leaning more toward it being some sort of rare immune disorder and not cancer. So that's really good! We should have all of the results back by Tuesday. Then they may recommend that he go to another hospital with more specialized doctors. Thank you all for your prayers and I'll keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

This is the cutest picture ever, he is soooo good and precious. You two did really good!!!
Love his Grandma Davis

Anonymous said...

aw how cute! we gave kinley her first bath night before and she loved it- she didnt make a sound, which means she likes it HAHA! thats soo cute about lee too! i love it!

Anonymous said...

OK---Auntie Jo---has GOT to see this baby and I mean SOON!!!
He is the most adorable little boy and a lucky little boy to have wonderful parents and a family that adores him!
Kyle, as you all, are lways and forever in our prayers---families and faith---that is what it is all about---I am so very thankful--love you--- Auntie Jo

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait to see my Sugarman. I is so adorable.
Love Aunt Lou