Monday, December 15, 2008

15 1/2 Month Stats

We went to the doctor today for Price's 15 month check up. It had to be pushed back because of the stomach virus Price had a few weeks ago. Anyway, Price weighed in at 20.5lbs and was 30.25 inches tall. He's growing up, just not out. The doctor really wants to see him gain 1 or 2 pounds before we go back. He told us to try putting butter on some of his foods and basically making them as fatty as we can. He said obviously we don't have to worry about him being overweight at this point. So we'll see how that goes. He was also very impressed with the number of words Price can say. It was overall a very good appointment except for the part where Pricer had to get 5 shots. He screamed bloody murder but got over it quickly. His legs are a little sore tonight so we'll hope that goes away while he sleeps. The good news is that he's done with shots until he's 2!

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Anonymous said...

Kristy, I fed Price some buttered toast today. He really seemed to like it. I am glad our Price is so healthy AND smart. He's a special little feller whom I love very much. Love, Becky

Anonymous said...

poor lil baby. i hope his legs are better today!
yay for no more shots for another 9 months!

Kylie said...

Hey I'm a pro at adding fat and calories to food for my little guy!! (who weighed 19 lbs at 15 months) Put some half and half in his whole milk. (Got that from "what to expect the first year" and I already do it with Avery.) Olive oil, cheese, butter in scrambled eggs or on cooked veggies. Avacados are a good fat too and Hudson loves them- in strips/bites or smashed into guacamole! Anything you can add fat too, especially olive oil which is a good fat, then do it! (Hudson used to eat olives, too) Today, Hudson went in for his 3 year visit and is 30 lbs and over the 35th percentile!! That's his highest ever :) Your boy is so sweet, so smart, so happy, so do what you can but don't worry. He is great, just little. That's ok! I've been there :)