Saturday, May 02, 2009


I had read on the internet about a gender prediction test you can take starting at 10 weeks. It's called Intelligender and they say their "real world" results are about 82% accurate. So Lee and I decided it would be fun to just try and see what it says. It's just a simple urine test and it turns yellowish if its a girl and a smoky green if its a boy. Well, mine turned yellowish. So according to this, little peanut is a girl. We aren't taking this as truth until we see it on a sonogram, but it will still be fun to see if its right. Have any of you tried this test or know anyone who has? I think a girl would be great, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up just yet! Still about 8 weeks until we can see it on a sonogram!

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Meg said...

i will say my friend mandy took it and the little girl it predicted is now everett james ;)!! but that just means she was part of the 17% (or whatever) it was wrong for!! are you feeling any better?? zofran is a Godsend!

kinsey said...

i've heard of two friends using it. for both of them it said boy, and they both had girls. ha!