Hayes is here! When I went to my doctors appointment today she said I was at a 5 so she wanted me to head to the hospital. I was still not feeling contractions so she wanted to go ahead and deliver the baby so I wouldn't be in labor at home and not know it. Anyway, Lee and I got to the hospital around 4:30. She came a few hours later and broke my water. I had my epidural this time so the contractions that followed weren't bad at all. Thank heaven for good pain drugs! Once I got to a 10 I only had to push 6 times to get him out. So much easier than it was with Price! Once he was born they noticed he was growling a little when he breathed. They took him to the nursery to observe him. I have only gotten to hold him for about 2 minutes so I am ready for him to be back from there! I am doing just fine, trying to wrap my head around the fact that we have 2 kids now! Hard to believe. Anyway, we will post more pictures tomorrow when people get to see him and hold him. For now it is way past bed time!
YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! He is adorable, and I'm so glad it went so smoothly! Praying for you!!!
Can't wait to meet you, Hayes! Good job, Kristy!!
Wow- 6 times-what a champ! Im glad it was easy! He is perfect & I cant wait to get my hands on him!!
We are so excited for yall!!! Such a sweet little family of 4!
he is so precious!! got to get my hands on Price and Hayes!
Good job, kiddo
Aunt Joanne and Uncle Norm!
Love ya'll
11/10/09 will always be a very special day. Happy BIRTHday, Hayes!
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