Saturday, November 28, 2009


Price has become obsessed with Toy Story 2 (Not just regular Toy Story, he WILL let you know if you try to put that one on instead!). It is all he wants to watch and with Hayes being here and me being so tired, he gets his way most of the time. I think I have all the lines memorized. He loves Buzz and Woody and talks about them often. He has also asked Santa for a Buzz and Woody of his own. I figure I'm pretty lucky that he's in love with something I can stand and not something that annoys me like Barney or Teletubbies!

1 comment:

Forrest and Elizabeth Williams said...

yeah we like buzz and woody too.
not obsessed yet but really like them.
jcpenney has the cute woody stuffed, soft dolls...they were $8.00 on Friday.
We have a few books too.

Take care! :)