Sunday, November 22, 2009

So Sweet!

Price seems to be adjusting to having a brother pretty well. He is so sweet with Hayes and is always concerned with where he is. He asks "Where baby Hayes" every time he enters a room. He is still super active and plays hard all day but he takes several breaks as he runs past Hayes to give him a kiss and a hug. He also tells him "Okay baby Hayes" when he cries. He also likes to "play music (for) baby Hayes" and will push one of his music playing toys up to Hayes' bouncy seat. He's a great big brother, just like we thought he would be!


David and jill said...

Of course! He's such a sweet boy, how could he NOT be a great big brother?

becky said...

Price is so caring-this picture is priceless!! He truly loves his little brother. We will see how Price does when Hayes gets bigger and follows his big brother EVERYWHERE. I hope and pray they will be the best of friends and will always be best buds.

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

i love it! so cute and SO SWEET!