Thursday, January 14, 2010


"Why" has become this kids favorite question. No matter what we are talking about he asks why after about every sentence. It can get old after a while but I love his inquisitive spirit. We try to honestly answer him until there are no more answers. I'll be glad when this stage is over but for now he is learning a lot.


David and jill said...

Obviously ours isn't to that stage yet, but I have babysat plenty of kids who have gone through it. It can be so annoying--so it's great that you're keeping a good perspective on it and trying to give him honest answers. You and Lee are wonderful parents!

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

LOVE the picture you posted with this! Goes together perfectly!

The Bird Family said...

I hear "But why Mommy probably 100 times a day!"

Jaime said...

oh goodness! L has been in the "why" stage since July. I'm still waiting for it to end. My favorite is when I answer his "why" question and he tells me that's not the answer and then tells me the "correct" answer.