Hayes turned 6 months old on Monday but I wanted to wait until we went to the doctor so I could post his stats. I can't believe it's been half a year. Here is what Hayes has been up to this month.
- Weight: 16 lbs 6 oz (25%)
- Height: 25 1/4 inches (20%)
- Teeth: 0
- Clothes: 6-9 Month, size 3 diapers
- He can sit for a good amount of time on his own.
- He doesn't sleep swaddled anymore but we had to go to the woombie. I honestly feel like he may never be able to sleep in his bed without being wrapped up. If he isn't constrained he wakes up all night long, not to mention how he freaks out when he ends up on his stomach. (Can you tell I'm annoyed?)
- He is still nursing but we are working on weening. My goal was 6 months and we made it. He takes formula just fine so I'm ready for the break.
- Still not a sleeper. (Will this ever change?!) Though is is only up once a night now it's still frustrating. He also takes one nap a day that is anywhere from 1.5-3 hours.
- During the day he is a very happy baby, smiles all the time.
- He is finding his voice and making the "v" and "y" sounds.
- He grabs EVERYTHING and puts it in his mouth.
- He eats 3 meals a day plus nursing. He loves pretty much everything he has tried.
- Any time he stands up (in the exersaucer, jumperoo or when I hold him) he jumps. He LOVES to jump.
- Overall he is a great baby, he just has to learn to sleep better before Mommy goes insane! :)
You have a BEAUTIFUL family!
You have a beautiful family!!!
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