Friday, June 11, 2010

7 Months Old!

Hayes turned 7 months old yesterday. He is growing so much! Here is what he is up to this month:
  • Weight: 16.6 lbs
  • Height: 26 1/4 inches
  • Teeth: 1 (trying to get a picture of it!)
  • Sits completely on his own and loves to play this way
  • He scoots or rolls to get to where he wants to go
  • He is finally (knock on wood) sleeping better at night. I only have to go in to put the paci back in every once in a while. He also sleeps without being swaddled at all now. He will even sleep on his stomach. This is such a HUGE answered prayer!
  • He is completely weened and LOVES his bottles.
  • He turns his head when his name is called.
  • He is in 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
  • He squeals and "talks" all the time
  • He loves Macie and tries to touch her when she's near him.
  • He loves all things Price and just laughs and laughs when he's around.
  • With him being sick this month he has really turned into a cuddler. He loves to snuggle his head into my neck. It's the sweetest thing and I melt when he does it.
  • We have fallen more in love with our littlest man this month. Can't believe he's closer to 1 now than to being born!

1 comment:

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

7 months old?! Oh my stars! Times goes too fast! He is PRECIOUS! Cant wait to see him at Homecoming :)