Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ft. Worth Zoo

On Saturday we were supposed to go to Ft. Worth to visit my Grandma. Unfortunately she got sick and we weren't able to see her. We decided on a whim to go to the zoo in Ft. Worth since we had already planned to go there anyway. The zoo was great and the kids had so much fun. We could not have asked them to be in better moods. There was literally no whining or crying the entire time. (This never happens!) So it was a great day and one of my favorite days as a family of 4 so far. Here are way too many pictures from our day. (Sorry for the quality, I used Lee's work camera.)

The place we ate lunch was surrounded by the alligator tanks. It was so cool!
Price sat on this turtle and started yelling "Naaaayyyy" like he was riding a horse.
Cooling off at a splash zone
Hayes kept giggling at the animals, especially the fish.

Price got to touch some star fish and a sting ray.
Scary lion!


The Mosiers said...

So fun! We love the FW zoo. We go ALL the time. Glad you guys enjoyed it. Your boys are too cute.

~Shelly~ said...

Isnt that zoo the best!? Glad yall had fun! They look like they really enjoyed themselves :)