Sunday, June 06, 2010

Nana's House

A couple of weeks ago (yes, I know I'm behind on blogging, I am trying to catch up!) my mom took Price to spend the night at Nana's house. He had such a great time and really like getting to sleep in a big bed with grandma. He entertained Nana and played with all kids of fun old toys. The next day Hayes and I went over to eat lunch with them and we found Price playing in the water in the back driveway. He had such a great time and can't wait to go back!
He loved putting the hose in the downspout and "washing his hair"

Not a great pic of Nana but it was the only one I got!
One happy little boy
Nothing like sprinkler water

1 comment:

~Shelly~ said...

Oh how fun! I wish my Mamaw was still here so Kinley could play with her. Precious, precious moments!