Tuesday, June 08, 2010


For the past week and a half Hayes has been sick. It started with him throwing up several times a day, then having diarrhea (I know, he will love that I wrote this when he is older!). He will have periods where he doesn't throw up for over 24 hours and we think he is fine, then he will randomly do it again. We have stopped giving him baby food, thinking it may be a food allergy but he's still doing it. He's still having lots of bad diapers too. We can't figure out what is going on with our little man. We went to the doctor yesterday and they drew blood and we had to take them a stool sample. Let me tell you how much fun that was. So we are waiting on results from those. Please say a prayer that he will get over this soon. We are really sad because we were supposed to leave on Thursday to go visit some family in Arkansas but we won't be able to take that trip now. Price is disappointed and so am I. I am just ready to have my happy, healthy baby back. This has gone on for far too long!


Haye's Memaw said...

Praying my sweet baby boy gets well soon!!! Keep Memaw posted.

Joyce said...

I am so sorry about Hayes. Hope you find something out soon. We're praying for you guys. We are so disappointed about not seeing you, but we definitely understand. Love ya'll.