Sunday, June 27, 2010

Toy Story 3

We took Price to see his first movie in the theater last week. Since he loves Toy Story 1 and 2, it was an obvious choice to take him to see #3. The problem was we went when it was still really crowded so we had to get there pretty early. Price sat patiently eating his popcorn and M&M's but kept asking where Buzz and Woody were. Once the movie finally started (after Price told me there were "a lot of previews") we had been there for about 45 minutes. He lasted through the first hour of the movie before he got kind of squirmy. He wasn't so great at whispering either (imagine that) so we asked him if he was ready to leave and he was. He had a great time though and would have lasted through the entire movie if we had gotten there right when it started. Oh well, we'll know for next time!
Sitting in his big chair
He LOVED the popcorn


becky said...

Are you sure you weren't taking my grandson to Sex and the City? Check out that popcorn sack.

Anonymous said...

Toy story---not what the pop corn bag says---poor baby! no wonder he was ready to go home!
auntie jo