Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Things He Says

I want to always remember some of the funny things Price says. I figure putting them on the blog is a pretty good way to do that. Here are some of his things as of late:
  • The doorbell rings. Price: Who was at the door? Me: The mailman, he brought Daddy a letter. Price: Did he bring an A or a B?
  • I walked in his room to check on him this morning before I thought he was awake. He quickly sat up and said "Momma, you (s)cared me to deaf."
  • After putting on my bra yesterday he said "I got my boobies on, now I can feed Hayes."
  • Any time Lee and I talk about going somewhere Price is quick to ask "Who's gonna watch me?" Does he really think we are going to leave him alone?!
  • I mowed the yard for Lee last week and after Price went outside for the first time he said "Thank you for mowing the grass Momma. It looks beautiful, it feels like carpet!"

1 comment:

David and jill said...

They are all hilarious, but the boobies one is definitely my favorite. Someday he's gonna hate you for making that one public. ;)