Wednesday, July 28, 2010

World Hunger Relief Farm

Our Sunday School class does a playgroup in the summers. This week we went to the World Hunger Relief Farm. It's a local farm that helps teach people how to grow vegetables, keep livestock, etc so they can live in developing countries and teach the people there how to do those things. It's a really neat place and I knew Price would love it because there are animals there. There are few things this kid loves more than animals. He got to pet a bunny, a chicken, and a goat and see the goat get milked. It was super hot but he didn't mind. He had a blast.
Petting a baby goat
I love how he's caressing the goat's face.
Apparently the goat loves him too
Chasing a wayward chicken
Drinking some of the goats milk. He didn't like it too much, he told me it was "a little bit sour."

1 comment:

Becky said...

Price is really growing up!! Can't believe he is almost 3.